OneCoin is the Merchant Coin
Regarding usability and the merchants. So what do you do with OneCoin? The main critic is why you can’t sell the coins? What will you do with your OneCoins? Let’s consider the typical process for acquiring all Digital Currencies except for OneCoin.1. You deposit your money
2. You acquire coins
3. Price goes up
4. You sell coins
5. You buy goods and services
But why do you need step 4? OneCoin can be regarded as the merchant coin. OneCoin does not require step 4 because we can purchase directly from the DealShaker platform goods and services. Who is losing here? The exchanges. They are losing money. That is why they do not want OneCoin. Any Digital Currency that bypasses this entire global exchange system is their competition and their enemy, and they will do anything and everything to destroy this competition. This is the main reason for very bad reputation for OneCoin. And all of the exchanges consider OneCoin to be a scam. In truth skipping step 4 saves a lot of people a lot of money. That’s why they hate OneCoin. It’s not the mining. It’s not the centralized blockchain. It’s simply the competition of business. 55 Minutes.
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