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Monday, April 30, 2018

Germany Approves Cryptocurrency as Legal Means of Payment

Germany Approves Cryptocurrency as Legal Means of Payment.

The German Federal Ministry of Finance would exempt tax payment from bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions used as a means of payment.
Germany Approves Cryptocurrency as Legal it time to earn from cryptocurrency

Germany Approves Cryptocurrency Legal

On Tuesday Feb. 27, the German Federal Authority issued a statement announcing its decision to consider purchases with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as tax exempt, citing the 2015 judgment of the European Court, which set a precedent for all members of the European Union.
With the newly introduced tax laws, Germany will regard cryptocurrencies as equivalent to legal tender when used as a means of payment. The German tax statement reads:
“Virtual currencies (cryptocurrencies, e.g., Bitcoin) become the equivalent to legal means of payment, insofar as these so-called virtual currencies of those involved in the transaction as an alternative contractual and immediate means of payment have been accepted.”
According to EU’s directives, a conversion from crypto to fiat or vice versa is classified as “other taxable services”. This means that a tax exemption benefit shall be implemented for transactions that involve exchanging cryptocurrencies to fiat currency and vice versa.
Under this provision, cryptocurrency exchanges operating in the country can also benefit from tax exemptions acting as intermediaries for exchange transactions. The court’s ruling also states that the minor’s fees will not be taxed as their services are classified as ‘voluntary’ under these tax laws.
These set guidelines by the German ministry of finance are in contrast with the US government stance on cryptocurrency, where the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers Bitcoin as property and therefore subject to property tax.

Coinsafe ICO Packages KYC Some Information about Onecoin

onecoin onelife coin safe
Onecoin Coinsafe
1, What happens to coinsafe?
Coinsafe has a problem to do. As long as the servers are not running, the coins are not visible. All coins are left and will appear shortly.
Now most have got their coins back so it should be in order.
2, is the onecoin approved by the authorities? 

Is it also onelife or are there different investigations?
The investigation is complete. Public info comes. No remarks. There is evidence of a blockchain. It will also be published.
Onelife has never been involved in the investigation.
3, when will the upgrade hunt
Everything has been delayed due to the intrusion of the coin units.
This also ICO Step 1 that had already been running otherwise.
Jobs up to 100% and will be launched shortly.
4, ICO packages?
Will be launched shortly with a whitepaper as a job base at the moment.
The idea was that it had already been started.
5, KYC Approval.
There will be automatic approval so we do not have to wait.
Onecoin has been hugely misdiagnosed for a long time.
To meet both the Konstantin and Legal department gave us only a lot more water on our mill that Onecoin is at the forefront.
Why do things take time sometimes?
It's because there are people who want the company very badly and make sure to put many sticks in the wheel.
But it's over now.
The authorities' investigation is completed and will be published.
You can see how long it took for Italy's approval to be published.
So it may take a couple of weeks.
There is also evidence that Onecoin has a blockchain. It was one of the agencies' work to check.

OneLife OneCoin in 2018 Open Market

OneLife / OneCoin. 2018.

onecoin is best coin
Onecoin Best coin  
1) in 2017, they obtained 3 million partners, now 3.5 million partners
2) The company has 700 diamonds, 154 blue diamonds, 31 black diamonds
3) Konstantin Ignatov and the team wants the company to have more professionals. And under the word professional he does not mean personalities in sunglasses. If someone wants to be a rock star, buy a guitar, but do not go on stage to the events of the company
4) The company organizes three-day leadership training on 5 continents to help leaders become professionals. There will be training in conducting events and expo, according to DealShaker and personal growth.
5) In the first year of operation of DealShaker, 120 million coins were used. The more coins are used, the higher the value of the coin becomes.
6) In the first week of work DealShaker joined 4,000 merchants, now the company has more than 50,000 merchants. The platform has more than 100 000 transactions, more than 300 transactions take place every day.
7) In 2018, the company will provide more presentations and materials for the work of partners. OneAcademy will launch a new section on crypto currency and block chain. That will be a 3 hour video on the development of the crypto industry
 Without any advertising in the first week in OneForex registered more than 10 000 people. Forex is very important, because a very large market in the world.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Future Of Cryptocurrencies

What Is the Future of Bitcoin and OneCoin? 

Digital Currency is a New Evolution of Money From the beginning, a lot of experts expressed their opposition to Digital Currencies saying that they are systems that cannot be sustained for a long time. When Bitcoin emerged in 2009, almost all the experts were against it, said it was a scam, it won’t work. But what they failed to understand is the benefits of what similar systems can bring. Instead of embracing it as a new evolution of money, they immediately dismissed it as nonsense.
future of cryptocurrency is bright
The Future of Cryptocurrency

Digital Currencies are just a technological upgrade of our present monetary system: from shells, whale bones, bartering, coinage, paper money, electronic money and Digital Currencies. So Digital Currencies are just a technological upgrade to our current system of electronic money. And this is what the banks around the world are just beginning to accept.
Digital Currency is Technically Impossible to Counterfeit With regard to Digital Currencies, people don’t know what they are, some people don’t believe in it, many people did not believe in 2015 and 2016, but now they are beginning to believe in it. And today many people still do not understand it. The easiest way to explain Digital Currencies is to first understand that all paper money has a serial number on it. Each Digital Currency coin has a serial number, which is heavily encrypted, and then protected with several other layers of encryption, and all of those layers are cut out, and then randomized, and that’s how they are protected in the system. So it is technically impossible to counterfeit a single coin and make two out of one.
The Unexpected Happened
But what happened? Bitcoin went up in price and mining difficulty increased from 1 to ~. Skip forward to 2013 and mining difficulty is 37.5 million and the block reward for miners is cut in half, from 50 to 25. Skip forward to 2017 and mining difficulty is almost 2 trillion and the block reward for miners is only 12.5. What does this mean? Bitcoin is more expensive to send than Western Union or the banks. This is the basic problem.
Ripple is the Bank Coin
OneCoin has a lot of haters who are accusing us of many things. But as time is passing, their arguments are mostly lost. To put this hate into perspective, let’s consider Ripple. It is now known as the “bank” coin because Ripple is focused exclusively on the banks. In the beginning Ripple was considered a scam by the Bitcoin community, because it firmly believes that a legitimate Digital Currency cannot be centralized. But now Ripple is the third Digital Currency in the world by market cap, because they stay focused on their mission.
How Important Is Anonymity?
Monero is the most anonymous Digital Currency available because of the heavy layers of cryptographic encryption. The biggest concern of the regulators for Digital Currencies is anonymity from taxes and money laundering. People cannot register on the exchanges due to KYC requirements. Every state wants full disclosure in the money flow. And that is why cash is being replaced by digital currency. Banks are beginning to prevent Digital Currency purchases.

MInig of Cryptocurrency


mining rig for cryprocurrency
Mining Rigs to Mine Cryptocurrency

Now let’s talk about mining. In Digital Currencies mining is usually referred to as bookkeeping, and miners are usually called accountants, and miners are responsible for running the blockchain. If the mining stops, the blockchain stops. Because miners not only create new blocks, they verify transactions and create new coins. These are the 3 basic functions of mining Digital Currencies.
Hash Function
Mining uses the hash function and it serves as a hook to connect the new block to the old one. There are several types of mining when it comes to the technical aspects: Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Delegate Proof of Stake, and others. The basic ways to mine are (1) Corporate Farms that have huge mining centers the size of factories with thousands of machines to mine the coins, and (2) Private Miners. There are two main types of hardware used to mine Digital Currencies: ASIC and GPU. They are getting more expensive and they consume more and more electricity. Beware of and avoid cloud mining. There is Genesis mining and others that are usually based on reselling you electricity at a much higher price than they are getting it, and it is normally not profitable this way.

How Famous Cryptocurrency is in Public

Why Do People Like Digital Currencies?
Why are people looking for Digital Currencies? Because they perform better than ordinary money. All fiat currencies are falling. They are printed constantly and inflation is going higher and higher and the value is less and less. This includes the US Dollar and the Euro, and every other fiat currency. On the other hand, Digital Currencies are rising in number and value and market cap higher and higher every year.
 how crypto is geting famous in public
Recovery Chart of major Cryptocurrency

One Third of The World’s Population Is Unbanked
One third of the world’s population cannot join the banking system because a large part of the world is not technologically developed enough. In Europe and North America we are used to have a certain development of technological infrastructure. Most of the other parts of the world don’t have it. For example in Europe, looking at mobile networks, 4G is not very well distributed. (The term 4G stands for 'fourth generation' and refers to mobile network technology that enables 4G compatible phones to connect to the internet faster than ever before. In the UK, 4G launched in 2012. Right now, the number of smartphone users who use 4G is dwarfed by its forerunner 3G.) Do you know what part of the world has the best 4G network? North Africa. They never had a mobile network or the old infrastructure. Replacing the old infrastructure with the new is very expensive and slow. So what they did was take the top technology and just install it. That’s why they have the best 4G network in the world.

The Unbanked Are Most Accepting Of Digital Currencies
Same thing is with other developing regions of the world. They don’t have the banks. They don’t have a very good personal ID system. What they do have is a very good mobile network and their phones. They don’t use credit cards. Africa has the highest e-payment systems in the world, because they didn’t have banks before that. (An electronic payment, or e-payment, can be simply defined as paying for goods or services on the internet. Epayments come with various methods, like credit or debit card payments or bank transfers.) And these e-payment systems are owned by small private companies, not the banks. With banks they could communicate and transact within a small geographical area. But with Digital Currencies they can transact with the entire world. This is why they are the most accepting of Digital Currencies. This market is 7.5 times larger than the entire USA, and the largest economy in the world.
Why Many People Don’t Like Banks.
Why many people don’t like banks: make mistakes with your money, are expensive, slow to transfer money especially globally, transactions don’t work on weekends, and when the crisis hits, you cannot withdraw your money, like in Greece, and everywhere else in the world. Digital Currencies actually allow us to have access to our money all the time, and we can send it anywhere anytime we want. And if we look at the remittance money transfer market, it is constantly growing. It is not growing much in Europe or North America, but in the rest of the world it is huge and growing very fast. Banking services will not open or be available in remote and developing areas, but Digital Currencies will.

Difference Between Centralized and Decentralized Blockchains

There are two basic types of blockchains:

 (1)Centralized Blockchains
 (2)Decentralized Blockchains. 

The most commonare decentralized,but all blockchains are distributed. In the centralized blockchain the distribution is between the nodes of the owner and partners/investors.The main advantage of decentralized blockchains is that it is open source and anyone can join and contribute. Currently approximately 50,000 programmers all over the world are contributing to decentralized blockchains. And they share their knowledge with each other. They are very diverse and distribution is much easier. Regarding centralized blockchains, that is not the case, because the mining is done by the owner of the blockchain and distribution is confined to a much smaller group of people. Centralized blockchains according to some critics are just an upgrade of the centralized banking system more than the progression of the blockchain,which could be considered to be partially true, but not entirely. Both systems have their good sides and their bad sides.It is a huge world, a huge market, and everyone can think for themselves.
What Is The Overall Advantage of The Centralized System? 
The processing or hash power of the network does not need to increase because it can remain constant and the number of transactions can remain constant. But if they wanted to increase the processing or hash power, the number of transactions can also increase with it. So centralized systems can increase the number of transaction far easier and faster than any decentralized system. In the long term, this is far more significant than most people realize.
Transaction Speed the Main Advantage of Centralized Systems
To put this into perspective, for example, OneCoin can support 100,000 transactions per second, VISA 54,000, PayPal 450, Ethereum 25, Bitcoin 5. So if we look at global use, the decentralized systems chances of increasing their transaction speed is very weak. Centralized systems can increase their transaction speed in a matter of days by just increasing their processing power. That is the main advantage of centralized blockchain systems.
Bitcoin Fees Are Increasing With regard to fees, Bitcoin is increasing, and others are following suit. Very few people anticipated that. And the fees will only continue to increase. So it is  not a cheap system to use.
Exchange Monopoly Cartels Hate OneCoin
Unfortunately when people are first introduced to OneCoin, they search the Internet: What is Bitcoin? What is OneCoin? They go through all the hater stuff and they catch themselves on the price. OneCoin is $25 and Bitcoin is $8,000, and nobody asks why. Bitcoin has a monopoly. If you go to the exchange, you must use Bitcoin to buy any other coin, and this is the monopoly cartel (organized agreement to maintain prices at a high level and restrict competition) created by the exchanges.
There are 4 basic steps:
1. You deposit your money on the exchange
2. You buy Bitcoin
3. You exchange Bitcoin for another Digital Currency
4. Then you withdraw those coins into your eWallet
There are 4 fees to be paid and this is a global agreement for every exchange. They all make a lot of money on these exchanges and they do not intend to change that. Any Digital Currency that bypasses this entire global exchange system is their competition and their enemy, and they will do anything and everything to destroy this competition.

Big Advantage of Centralized System.
Regarding technical aspects, and if we look at the long term solution, the centralized system has a big advantage.Why? Consider this old Bitcoin commercial from 2013, and it sends a very good message. Western Union send $50 for $5 fee for pickup in the US. Bitcoin send any amount for only $.01 for pickup anywhere in the world. And that was the initial advantage.

Big Disadvantage of Decentralized System
The entire problem of the decentralized systems is, as people join the mining pool, the processing or hash power of the network is increasing, but the speed or number of transactions per second is staying the same. The mining requires very expensive computer processing power and increasing cost of electricity, so over time the cost of each transaction is becoming more and more expensive. And what they should do is, as the power increases, the speed should also increase, but that is not happening. This increasing cost per transaction is due to the disparity between the increasing power cost and static processing speed. And this is what the normal ordinary Bitcoin enthusiast does not understand. I have had a lot of arguments with them, but they are mostly fascinated by technology, and not anything else. They do not care about usability, they are not interested in the value, they just recognize the systems that are copy and paste systems the same or similar to Bitcoin. And everything else to them is not valid.
The main advantage is diversity and innovation because there are now blockchain systems for almost everything public and private. For example in a recent test, Sweden’s land registry process was reduced from 4 months to only 5 days using blockchain technology. That is how much faster the system works on the blockchain.
Cons of Decentralized Blockchain Systems.

The disadvantages.
The main disadvantage is high risk of abuse, anonymity, and the problem with network consensus. When the network had to increase the blockchain size for Bitcoin, to allow more transactions, their network started almost a civil war. Now we have Bitcoin, BitcoinCash and BitcoinGold; and everybody against everybody. The price doesn’t show it, but the system is in turmoil.
Process of Decentralized Blockchain Systems.
They are usually static and not susceptible to change, usually high competition between them, and while network marketing business model can be an advantage, it can also be a disadvantage. What is the greatest strength of OneCoin? OneLife network marketing. What is the greatest weakness of OneCoin? OneLife network marketing. Because we had leaders who were not good and did bad things and they contributed to the bad reputation, and we had good leaders who made a good reputation. But the press and the general
public always focus on the bad things. So you can do 20 good things and 1 bad thing, and the press always reports on the 1 bad thing, and they will never mention the 20 good things.

What is the Blockchain and How It Works

What is the Blockchain?

Today everyone is talking about the blockchain, but not very many people know what it is. To make it clear, blockchain is a platform and a technology that enables any data base to run on it. So when people think that Bitcoin and blockchain is the same thing, that’s not true. Bitcoin is the first successful application of the blockchain in the world. And others followed suit.
The First Blockchain Principle 500 AD
The first blockchain principle that was used in human history, as early as 500 AD, was the Rai stone of the Island of Yap, an island located in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean 1,200 miles east of the Philippines.
Rai Stones, or stone money, are large, circular stone disks carved out of limestone formed from aragonite and calcite crystals. Rai stones were quarried on several of the Micronesian islands, mainly Palau, but briefly on Guam as well, and transported for use as money to the island of Yap. They have been used in trade by the Yapese as a form of currency. The monetary system of Yap relies on an oral history of ownership. Because these stones are too large to move, weighing 4 tons, buying an item with one simply involves agreeing that the ownership has changed. As long as the transaction is recorded in the oral history, it will now be owned by the person it is passed on to and no physical movement of the stone is required. It was only used by tribal chiefs, elders and the wealthy.

Verify Transactions

When the transfer was about to happen, the entire community gathered together to witness the transaction. So the stone was not moved, and the transfer became common knowledge. So nobody could later dispute that the transfer did not happen. All who witnessed the transaction were able to later verify that the transaction took place. And that is exactly how the modern blockchain works today.

Blockchain: Distributed Data Base

Blockchain operates as a distributed data base, and each participant holds the exact same copy of the blockchain, and they are all synchronized, so you cannot compromise it, you cannot delete it, because you could delete all copies, but if only one user has a single copy of the blockchain, he can restore the entire system. That is the basic advantage.

Why Is It Called The Blockchain?

Because all transactions are locked in blocks, and all blocks are chained to each other. All transactions in a block have a limited time frame before they are locked in. For example Bitcoin is 10 minutes, and OneCoin is 1 minute. When the block is open, all transactions in that time period are recorded. After that, the block is closed, and a new one opens. And blocks are connected to each other by a unique hash function. (A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size. The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, digests, or simply hashes.) And each block can only build onto the hash function of the previous block. No blocks can be added in between. They cannot be removed and cannot be changed. Once the block is closed, that’s it. That’s the primary advantage.

How the Blockchain Works?

When someone wants to make a transaction, the block is either created or already existing. When the user makes a transaction, it is broadcast to the entire network. And if the network recognizes the user has enough coins in his account to make the transaction, it is approved and the transaction is sent. If he doesn’t have enough coins, the transaction is automatically declined. After the end of the block time, the block in which the transaction is contained is closed, and the receiver gets the coins. In most cases that takes less than a minute when it comes to newer Digital Currencies. In Bitcoin for example it lasts 60 to 90 minutes. If you want to send money through the banking system to the other side of the world, that will take days. This is what bankers could not understand in the beginning. Now they are catching up.

What Is The Future Of DealShaker And OneCoin?

OneCoin is working on a newer and better DealShaker merchant platform. The future price of OneCoin after it goes public will largely depend on the DealShaker, because if OneCoin is not usable, there is no reason for anyone to have it. So the current efforts of OneCoin are to make DealShaker better and more popular. And leaders will be partially responsible for educating their teams to educate their people (users and merchants) to use DealShaker. The use of DealShaker is not complicated, but still a lot of people don’t know how to use it. We need the network to know and use the DealShaker properly.
Vetting merchants and processing merchant documents is time consuming, complicated and not uniform from country to country. So going forward it will be easier for the merchants if the members will prepare all of the documents ahead of time. In 2017, over 55,000 merchants joined the DealShaker Platform (, and 120 Million OneCoin ($3 Billion) were spent for goods and services, in more than 100,000 transactions, averaging 300 transactions daily ($30,000). In 2018 it is projected that over 250,000 merchants will join the DealShaker platform, and 600 Million OneCoin ($15 Billion) will be spent on the DealShaker Merchant Platform ( for goods and services, in more than 500,000 transactions, averaging 1,500 transactions daily ($150,000).

When Will Bitcoin Mining End? What Happens After All Of Bitcoin Is Mined?

The mining of Bitcoin will continue even after all of the Bitcoins are mined. But the basic interests of the miner are block reward and transaction fees. Today the block reward, the newly generated coins, are 80% of their income, perhaps even more, and transaction fees are the smaller balance. When the block reward discontinues, the only income remaining will be the transaction fees, which will have to increase to be profitable. So in the long run, Bitcoin will only get more and more expensive. If the transaction fees get too high, people will not use Bitcoin for transactions. 2018 is the year of altcoins. Bitcoin is losing market capitalization share. As time goes on, Bitcoin will continue to lose more and more market share. Because it is the first blockchain, oldest blockchain, most inefficient blockchain, and most expensive to use. All Digital Currencies that use Proof of Work are now regarded as long term unprofitable and unpractical. Ethereum and others are switching to Proof of Stake. Bitcoin is staying the same. A lot of investors in Bitcoin are now putting their money in other coins. Bitcoin’s monopoly will end when it comes to exchanges and as that happens the price will likely go down, and most users will leave it.

Will Bitcoin Become Like Gold As A Store Of Value?

Bitcoin acts currently like gold because gold is expensive to move, and Bitcoin is also expensive to move. Gold acts as a store of value. A store of value is something that retains its value or the value increases. When Bitcoin loses its value, then it loses that property as a store of value.

Why Will Bitcoin Lose Its Value But Gold Not Lose Its Value?

Because gold cannot be destroyed, it’s eternal, it does not weather over time, and everybody knows what it is, and it’s physical. Bitcoin is just a file on the Internet, a digital record. Long term status of Bitcoin is not even a point of debate within the Bitcoin community. The long term solution for Bitcoin after mining is now a fierce debate within the Bitcoin community. They don’t know how to solve that issue.

What Happens When Ripple Replaces the SWIFT Banking Transaction System?

The current transaction fee to the bank for Ripple is $0.0000001, a million times less expensive than SWIFT. This is why the banks are switching to Ripple in lieu of SWIFT. Ripple is one company controlled by a group of people, and the composition of ownership of Ripple can be changed. Banks have a lot of influence. They cannot control decentralized systems, but Ripple is centralized and much easier to control. 2/3 of Ripple coins are for banks and 1/3 are for the general public.

OneCoin is the Merchant Coin

OneCoin is the Merchant Coin

Regarding usability and the merchants. So what do you do with OneCoin? The main critic is why you can’t sell the coins? What will you do with your OneCoins? Let’s consider the typical process for acquiring all Digital Currencies except for OneCoin.
1. You deposit your money
2. You acquire coins
3. Price goes up
4. You sell coins
5. You buy goods and services
But why do you need step 4? OneCoin can be regarded as the merchant coin. OneCoin does not require step 4 because we can purchase directly from the DealShaker platform goods and services. Who is losing here? The exchanges. They are losing money. That is why they do not want OneCoin. Any Digital Currency that bypasses this entire global exchange system is their competition and their enemy, and they will do anything and everything to destroy this competition. This is the main reason for very bad reputation for OneCoin. And all of the exchanges consider OneCoin to be a scam. In truth skipping step 4 saves a lot of people a lot of money. That’s why they hate OneCoin. It’s not the mining. It’s not the centralized blockchain. It’s simply the competition of business. 55 Minutes.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Market cap of Onecoin

What is the current Market Cap of Onecoin? 
 And how many ONE Mined so far
Answer: Please open your onelife Account, select Crypto Currency from main menu. Next select Blockchain from sub menu.
Check the current height of block is 770706 @ 10:04am PST, 28.04.2018.
Onecoin’s blockchain mines 50’000 ONE per minute. Now we can calculate market capital of ONE at the rate of current price, which is €20.75 per ONE.
770’706 x 50’000
= 38,535,300,000
L38.5 Billion ONE mined until now
Market Cap:
38,535,300,000 x 20.75
799 Billion Euros
is the current market cap of ONECOIN.

Opinion of Onecoin Team

Important Opinion that Everyone Should Understand.
the founder of onecoin onelife  Dr Ruja ignatova
The founder of onecoin onelife  Dr Ruja ignatova
Richest man Bill Gates has a worth nearly 90 billion USD.
Now let's analyze the worth of Dr.Ruja Ignotova after 8th oct 2018.
Even in the worst condition,if the value of onecoin remains stagnant at 20.75€ and suppose only half of the coins are in circulation, total market capitalization would be somewhere around 1245 billion USD,yes you heard it right & this is the most obvious reason why this great Lady Dr Ruja is getting death threats.
Believe it or not, Onecoin is going to create history.

Yes Onecoin is creating usability of onecoin through great platform of deal shaker  and the main strength of this coin is his community that reach to 3.4 millions people and its the revolution.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cryptocurrency in the World

Cryptocurrency in the World

We have the great opportunity to help our nation in this innovation.Most of the worlds mining going in Iceland, China, Russia, Sweden  & most of the coins & exchanges working from USA, Europe,Japan & Korea.We have good  potential with almost 500 software houses & thousands of Crypto activists here in United Arab Emirates. 
we have made a list of some countries updated related to Crypto

UK (United Kingdom)
A new research commissioned by software developer Citrix (NASDAQ CTXS) has found that 50% of large British businesses have stockpiles of cryptocurrency.The study,which was carried out in partnership with One Poll, surveyed 750 IT decision makers within large UK businesses of 250 employees or more. It found that those businesses hold an average of 24 bitcoins each. Out of those companies, just 7% are investing in bitcoin alone and 93% in a more diverse portfolio of cryptocurrencies. 54% have bought litecoin, 43% ethereum, 33% Ripple’s XRP, and 29% dash.

Proposals to introduce tax exemptions for companies using blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency have been put on the table in Spain. The ruling People’s Party is preparing new legislation that will also offer incentives to entrepreneurs raising funds through ICOs. If lawmakers adopt the amendments, investors will not be required to report crypto assets under certain threshold.

South Korea
The Upbit exchange generated more than half of South Korea’s $648 mln cryptocurrency exchange revenues in 2017, new government figures claim.According to data released by lawmaker Park Kwang-on and reported by local news media outlet Yonhap News Sunday, total revenues for Korea’s burgeoning exchange sector ballooned 8025% compared to 2016, when it amounted to just $7.5 mln.

The largest free economic zone in the UAE, with zero percent personal and corporate income tax, has started issuing licenses to firms trading cryptocurrencies. The first license has been issued to a gold trader that has recently started offering cryptocurrency services.

Japanese entertainment giant DMM has launched its “large-scale Japan-quality” mining farm, with a plan to deploy more farms overseas. DMM is also launching a showroom, allowing the public to tour its mining farm, as well as a mining pool.
India will soon have its own rules on bitcoin. The responsibilities of various regulators have been determined, a high-ranking official revealed. Relevant institutions are currently finalizing a comprehensive government policy on cryptocurrencies.
According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, a spokesperson representing Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) stated that the bank does not prohibit customers buying digital or cryptocurrencies, or accepting them as a form of payment.” ANZ’s spokesperson added that the bank “monitors transactions for unusual behavior to protect against potential fraud and in line with our regulatory responsibilitie

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Important Information Before Investing in Cryptocurrency ICO.

ICO short for Initial Coin Offering,it is the means through which companies in crypto biz raise funds to finance the project of their products.It requires the public to contribute and purchase coin at a cheaper price to support the project in the early stage of development before the coin is listed in different the exchanges at a higher price.
These are the various promotional avenues a company chooses to publicize its products and coins by engaging social network community to promote and earn bonuses for proof of work.
A​ Crypto airdrop is​ when​ a​ Blockchain project distribute​s free​ tokens or​ coins to​ the​ crypto community and individuals for registering and partaking in publishing the coin through social network and referrals.
The collected coins are held in your account till the end of ICO (usually one month),after which you transfer your coin to the exchanges(a trading platform where you buy and sell coins) to sell or hold in your wallet and allow the price to rise.
To participate in bounties and Airdrops you should have an account with some of the following social networks,sites and forums.

  • Functional e-mail.(Must have)
  • Instagram (Optional)
  • LinkedIn (Optional but preferable)
  • Facebook (Optional but preferable)
  • Twitter (Optional but preferable)
  • Telegram (Must have)
Bitcoin wallet(can be gotten from or download COINBASE from Play Store or App world).
Ethereum wallet(from or download
COINOMI from Play Store or App world).

ICO can be Dangerous.
Not all ICOs worth your time because some of them might not make it to exchanges.

What to look out for in Companies before invest?
A company with reputable members as part of the team is a sign of a good project.
Good products,a company with a product that prefers solution is a plus.
Social Media, a company with active social media should be preferred.
Git Hub, a company who is providing his open source source code of coin at Git hub for public is more relaybale .
Owner of company, owner of the company must  have a active profile on their official website and social media.
Projects of company, Before invest in any ICO coin we have to see the company profile and  projects of the company or we should check  what is the purpose to make a coin and also on what project company is working on.
Limited supply, As we all know  its the Rule of economics if the  quantity of a product is less and demand  of that product is high that the price of that product will be high so must see the quantity of coin before investing in it.The total supply of the coin must limited number of coin in circulation and good marketing is a price determinant.
How to make money For Free.
It requires your phone,internet data and little time.When company is offer ICO there is pre ICO too at that time if you just Sign up you can get some Token for free by invest nothing its specific  time some companies offers 1 or 2 days or these companies can offer 1000 Token for first 100 users you.A lot of new companies are coming in the market but few of then can also run away.So after getting free coin or Token you have to wait for company to launch in the Public market Or when their coin will be listed on a exchange there you can sell or trade with other coins.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Decentralized and Centralized Coins

      Decentralized and other Alt Coins

  • Keep these words in mind that such types of opposition alliance of decentralized digital currencies nearly 14 hundreds coins which are working on Bitcoin shares & tokens & theirs transactions & withdrawals are happening in Bitcoin want that ONE COIN should be removed from the way through negative propagation of media & misinformation spreading every where because ONE COIN is the killer of Bitcoin price & it's usability including it's followers 14 hundreds decentralized digital currencies in 2019 in first term.
    more than 1500 Alt coin in the Market
    More than 1500 ALTCoin are in the market 
    So the above mentioned decentralized digital currencies are the enemies of ONE COIN & ONE LIFE Because ONE COIN is providing digital education then in return of education package buying, ONE COIN company give you free promotion tokens & these free promotion tokens are being submitted for mining of ONE COINS by the members themselves which is a great proof that ONE COIN is digital education platform not ponzi scheme.
    Second Point  ONE COIN audit is being conducted on monthly basis by the security authority of Bulgarian government & it's audit report is being published inside in ONE COIN back office in information center which is a great proof that ONE COIN is legal & it's every activity is under observation since it's beginning. 
  • Third decentralized digital currencies are the supporters of money laundering mafia, drug mafia, drug smuggling mafia, weapon Smuggling mafia, terrorists & fraudulent related people because decentralized digital currencies are anonymous & they don't have KYC system for the identification of users & without KYC now a common man can't use mobile SIMS with out his / her finger print verification from government NADRA institution but ONE COIN has KYC system of each user identification AlhamduliAllah!
    So ONE COIN has thousands enemies & these dramas will be wind off soon just like from the beginning ONE COIN faced much incidents, dramas & baseless allegations but ONE COIN reached the goal after crossing the hurdles & now ONE COIN will be the grand mother of digital currency & future of payments with all legal formalities on international level forever.
    So give full attention to your ONE COIN business, which has unique system, legal & separate vision & nice opportunity & leave the barking dogs to bark behind every one & we have digital vision inform of digital education which is the desire of Dr.Ruja & 3.7 millions users from 195 countries of the world & we are on the way to this destination.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Onecoin Public Launch

Onecoin is going to launch at 8th October 2018 . Our hatters are worry. What's going happen? Onecoin is going to be top "1" Crypto Currency in the world. It will be only one competitor of Bitcoin in the Crypto Currency.
onecoin in publick
Onecoin launching Date
Onecoin is not dependent of Bitcoin
It's going to break world record in the history of Crypto Currency.Our investors don't be worry about that. The Company did already worked at Plans.
1:- "Hates always your strength "
2:- "Every thing is scam before the success"
3:- "Struggle always achieve the goal "
4:- "Think always positive "
5:- "Scare never lose the ambition "
6:- "Revolution make the lucky "
7:- "Trust make the passion "
8:- "Competitor remove your errors "
9:- "Learn from mistakes "
10 Strength always guide

Cryptocurrency Will Win

The 3 reasons why cryptocurrency is WIN-WIN...

1. The un-banked- Over 40% of adults worldwide do not have a bank account or access to financial services. If you have a Smart Phone, you have access to digital currency worldwide.
2. Remittances- The World Bank says over $600 billion dollars is moved by person-to-person money wires (Western Union, MoneyGram, etc.), and $22 trillion dollars from B2B. Why not just pay 1% instead of the average 7%?
3. Protection of Your Income & Wealth- If your income and wealth is based in a currency, it is dependent on the strength of a currency. The U.S. has printed 5 times more money in the past 8 years, than it has in the previous 200 years!
Summary- Cryptocurrency is like Social Media. It's digital, it's global, and it's networked or connected. Also, inflation can't touch it, and it has exponential growth.

Importance of Cryptocurrency

Feat currency
Cryptocrrency VS  Paper Money

Why Cryptocurrency?

Banks close at 5 PM.
Wall Street closes at 4 PM.
Crypto currency does not close.
Ever. So, "What is crypto currency?" May be a better explained in bullets:
• Crypto currency is many things to many people.
• Crypto currency is 24x7x365
• Crypto currency is global
• Crypto currency is technology
• Crypto currency is open-source software
• Crypto currency is an internet protocol
• Crypto currency is decentralized database
• Crypto currency is a distributed public ledger
• Crypto currency is peer-to-peer value communication
• Crypto currency is a payment layer for the Internet
• Crypto currency is a value transfer system
• Crypto currency is a speculation platform
• Crypto currency is a geopolitical hedge
• Crypto currency is a fiat currency hedge
• Crypto currency is electronic cash
• Crypto currency is digital currency
• Crypto currency is an asset
• Crypto currency is a commodity
• Crypto currency is property
• Crypto currency is a virtual good
• Crypto currency is gold 2.0
• Crypto currency is money
• Crypto currency is mathematics
• Crypto currency is innovation
• Crypto currency is financial inclusion
• Crypto currency is freedom
• Crypto currency is ...a revolution!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Are Ripple And Ethereum Going To Spoil Bitcoin’s Party?

By Ftreporter.
Those who dig deep into cryptocurrencies are familiar with the term market capitalization. But what does it really mean? Market capitalization or just market cap refers to the total value of the currency network. How is it calculated? Very easily, you just have to multiply the number of tokens in circulation with the price for one coin.One look at coinmarketcap’s charts and you’ll get it straight away. The largest cryptocurrency by market cap is bitcoin, followed by Ethereum and Ripple. The numbers are constantly changing because cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile. And while the numbers of ether and ripple tokens are way higher than Bitcoin’s their price per unit is much lower. But is it even possible for any altcoin to dethrone Bitcoin from the top position?Both Ripple and Ethereum had quite a strong rallies in the first days of the year. However, on January 8, Ripple price tumbled from $3.47 to $2.14. Bitcoin also suffered a downfall but Ethereum managed to go up against all odds. The changes took place after CoinMarketCap decided to exclude several South Korean exchanges from its database due to the high premiums at which cryptos are sold in Korea.
latest cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin’s current market cap fluctuates around $230 billion. If Ripple is to surpass Bitcoin, XRP should reach $6.57. It doesn’t seem as far-fetched, does it? Having in mind that it rose more the 35.000% last year, the new challenge of 164% is quite obtainable. What do the calculations say about Ethereum? There are 96,929,580 Ether tokens circulating in the market and the price per unit should rise to $2.700 if it is to become number one. In other words, Ethereum must have at least 130% growth.
Both currencies have bigger supplies than Bitcoin, which has 16.789.425 units operating. This means that neither Ripple nor Ether tokens have to become as expensive as Bitcoin’s. Bitcoin’s dominance happened mainly because it was the first digital currency to gain the attention of the masses. However, many alternative currencies rose around it and now have a significant impact on the market.

Leading Cryptocurrencies in the World

What is Onecoin.
cryptocurrency Bitcoin killer
onecoin onelife
Onecoin Limited is a global company with key markets in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. With worldwide operations, the company has opened offices in Europe, Hong Kong and the UAE. Its commitment to growth has led to fast expansion due to its vision, management team, innovative business concept and business strategy. Since its launch, OneCoin has created a community of millions of miners.By acquiring an educational package, each client gets access to a respective subject of study and the opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge in financial markets, cryptocurrency, trading and investing. The educational packages are developed in partnership with university professors and presented through the OneAcademy platform.A global provider of financial services, OneCoin helps its miners to make payments easier and faster by providing education and simplifying cryptocurrency. You neither need a server to mine OneCoins nor a bank account nor an escrow agent in order to make payments anymore. You only need a OneCoin account and a laptop, tablet or a phone. Everyone can transfer money with OneCoin.OneCoin gives instant access to easier, faster, safer and low cost financial services. OneCoin can process your transfer in a minute from any part of the world to another. And most importantly – mining the coin, transferring money and making payments with OneCoin is absolutely safe.
What happens when I join OneCoin?
When you open OneCoin account, you receive e-mail verification, confirming your registration as a client. We also automatically create an e-wallet for you. As a company that offers different services, we allow people to join and see for themselves how our business works. This however does not grant access to all products and services. If a client wants full access to all OneCoin's offers, then s/he must go through a KYC application process. Because of our centralized model, we take care of all technical aspects, ensuring that your mined coins are safe.
How does it work?
To use OneCoin cryptocurrency you need to create an account at OneCoin. This happens by invitation from another miner, thus you become a part of the OneLife Network global community. You are supported by our education platform via OneAcademy, by your OneLife Network and by the Support department.
You need to decide what your business objective is when creating an account at OneCoin - to benefit from our learning platform, to mine the coin, etc. Besides mining the coin, you can also make payments and transfer money from any part of the world fast, easy and safely.
What is blockchain?
The blockchain is a digital technology for recording and verifying transactions.It is a key concept behind innovations related to cryptocurrencies in general, and OneCoin in particular.
The blockchain was first introduced as an alternative mechanism for the trust between two parties that make transactions that differentiated it from the way traditional institutions like banks or escrow agents processed payments.Most recently the blockchain is considered a powerful tool that can provide new products and services, and improve traditional ones.The number of financial institutions and firms across industries that are using the distributed ledger technology as a secure and transparent way to digitally track the ownership of assets is constantly increasing. This is a move that helps companies to speed up transactions and cut cross border remittances while lowering the risk of fraud.At OneCoin, we are able to execute your transactions in a minute thanks to the powerful blockchain – a technological innovation that stores cryptocurrencies. The OneCoin blockchain is based on protocols that authenticate,validate and store information in consistent, unbroken sequences.This guarantees that the system is safer by reducing fraud, duplicity and forgery.OneCoin is the first cryptocurrency company both storing KYC documents on its blockchain and performing a monthly audit of its blockchain
What is a cryptocurrency?
Like fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies function as a medium of exchange. Because it is based on cryptography, cryptocurrency is difficult to counterfeit.
Cryptography protocols are used to make transactions safe and to control the process of new coin creation.
OneCoin cryptocurrency is not pre-mined, meaning that the miners create the market. OneCoin is easy to mine, easy to trade and easy to use. Thanks to the way OneCoin has structured its organization and operations, all mined coins are safe and cannot get lost because of a technical issue.Because cryptocurrencies are not tied to any particular country or central bank, the value of the coin depends on factors such as useability, demand and supply. Therefore they are often compared to gold, hence called 'virtual gold'. The more a cryptocurrency is used, the more its value rises. With its millions of followers, OneCoin has quickly become the second largest in the world with a market cap of 2,9 Billion in February 2016.Because of market specifics, Asian customers became early adopters of cryptocurrencies, recognizing their advantages such as making payments directly, without the need of expensive or unsafe intermediaries. Contrary to bank transactions, OneCoin offers faster, cheaper and easier way to send and receive money worldwide.
What is One Ecosystem?
Since its establishment in 2014, OneCoin is dedicated to have a coin for mass use in line with its vision to provide access to financial services for everyone. To fulfill our promise to the growing community using OneCoin cryptocurrency, we started creating an ecosystem around the coin.We are proud to say that our clients can choose between a growing number of OneCoin products in the areas of education, investments, payments, exchange, business app solutions, trading and investing, entertainment and games, and more.
How secure is OneCoin?
In terms of security OneCoin is extremely secure. There are four main reasons:
• We have a centralized Database with our client’s e-wallets and accounts. We back up this database several times per hour. For example, Bitcoin do not have a database like this, and whoever gets your “keys” can hack and steal your coins. Contrary OneCoin can track all transactions – and even a crash will not make coins disappear, as we back up very frequently.
• Coins do not leave the e-wallets currently, they are transferred in the system. If another miner hacks your account – we can track immediately who, find out what happened and how did it happen and restore the balance.
• Before money leaves the system, there are different checks to be made. So if someone “steals” your money, again s/he has to provide a bank account or other form of identification.
• We use the https certificate as TRADING. If someone wants to load the website..

SECURITY OF ONECOIN.  Your Onecoin can never be lost in your data crash or be stolen by a hacker. Every coin has a signature linked to the owner and every transaction can be tracked. This is as if your bank account kept records of not only amount and transfers, but every serial number of every note.The traditional way a purchase is just made with a certain amount of exchange owner.
While with Onecoin, every purchase not only recording exchange amount but also the serial number of what specific note/coin exchange owner.This is the security factor Bitcoin lacks. In contrast to how Bitcoin anonymously has been misused for illegal purchases of weapons and drugs and so on.OneCoin is designed to fit-law abiding individuals.
In addition to that, Onecoin is the One and Only cryptocurrency company that blockchain is being audited every month by the same auditing company that audits company like BMW.

  Some Good News About Onecoin.
Waooo Good News Leader onelife Members
After the investigation in German France and the Bulgaria government proved that Onecoin is legal company.
There is no illegal and criminal activities.
100 % transperency.. And legal and authorized by government.
Congratulations to All OneLife IMA
All bonuses updated
We are Legal
We are true
We are in right business
We are number #1 in the world
The fastest growing company in the world
No money laundering
No terrorist funding
No ponzi money games
Hurry up leaders
Bost your business
Its your time to educate all the people to make them more successful
We have short time.
Blockchian of Onecoin.
Tailored for future-proof mass transactions the OneCoin blockchain can perform more transactions than global credit card providers.Consists of each transaction ever performed in OneCoin.Anonymous transactions are not allowed and the company strictly follows anti-money laundering policies, carrying out KYC procedures in different aspects of its activities.OneCoin is the first cryptocurrency to store KYC documents on its blockchain.The blockchain is based on protocols that authenticate, validate and store information in consistent, unbroken sequences that make the system safer by eliminating any attempts of fraud,duplicity and forgery.Because of its centralized system, the OneCoin blockchain does not resemble a public ledger like the blockchain of decentralized cryptocurrencies.We are proud to be the first cryptocurrency company in the industry that introduced a monthly audit of its blockchain.All OneCoin blockchain audit reports have proved that the OneCoin blockchain is consistent and that the number of mined coins is genuine.
 Onecoin In The News
 From Business and Legality newspaper on Jan 10,2018/ hard copy- translation from Vietnamese into English for reference only
OneLife is an educational company of finance. Therefore, education is the heart of the company. To understand and be able to use OneCoin, they provide courses of finance and cryptocurrency. Furthermore, in Jan 2018, they started launching OneForex platform where you can access Forex courses without any previous financial experience or knowledge required. Their goal is to get you from zero to hero in trading.
So, let’s get experience with these courses to build the foundation of success in future!
The way of choosing a coin which has value is studying about its ecosystem.
Whether that coin is transparently appreciated by a reputable third party or not. It is transparent or anonymous. Currencies that have high transparency and well management will be the prior condition for governments to accept and manage them. On the other hand, community is the extremely important element. A big community trusts and uses that cryptocurrency as a habit would help it become a real currency, a real asset.

A common Cryptocurrency  

Good news is OneCoin meets all the conditions to become a common cryptocurency because of 

High usability and liquidity:  Onecoin can be used to exchange with any product and service through DealShaker.

High security:with innovative advanced Blockchain technology  
High transparency:Intel audited by an reputable independent audit company to ensure all the activities of the company follow laws and regulations,saying goes with acting.
Transparent Transactions.This is a necessary key point for governments to accept OneCoin as money. It is called KYC – know your customer.
The big community over 194 countries.The big number of coins enough for all the world to be used: 120 billions OneCoins.
Onecoin biggest community even more than Bitcoin
The Biggest cryptocurrency in the world
This is the important milestone to affirm OneCoin is a real popular currency in the world so that when anyone buys products and services, they have the habit to use OneCoin for payment.One coin is the biggest crypto community in the world even more bigger than Bitcoin .Reported on 22nd Dec 2017, the price of OneCoin did reach 20.75 Euro.With the good strategy, this price will be increased strongly due to the strong development of the global community of users later.In Vietnam, there have been many OneCoin-OneLife members joining since the early days of Jan 2015. For such a long time of 3 years,many of them are holding OneCoin with the mindset of waiting for the day the coin goes public so that they can sell at once because they only see the present profit, they want to get profit quickly, just surfingly but may not be sure that they can win bigger than holding the coin in long term. They don’t know that the company is building a strong foundation for OneCoin. When all the conditions are met, this coin will be boomed and the opportunity to harvest is so tremendous.The 4.0 revolution is happening excitingly worldwide. Internet is changing the whole world.Through internet, things are connected and so are people in a flat world. The trend is that there is a need of a new currency for exchanging globally, for billions of people and billions of transactions at the same time, especially borderless and with big amount, low cost, high security, safe and time saving anywhere, any time through an app on smartphones or other smart mobile devices, allowing to show shops on the map and online payment.OneLife company has mastered the essential elements to create permanent value for OneCoin. So they have the most well-defined strategy in this innovation.Regarding to the latest news from the company, the Coin Offering roadmap for OneCoin will start on 8th Oct 2018

What is the prediction about OneCoin?

Denis Murdock - Apr 6, 2018 
OneCoin, the New Global Leader in Digital Currency, is not only leading and revolutionizing the Digital Currency world, but helping to disrupt the entire world of banking and financial services. For these and many other reasons, OneCoin is on track to be the next Bitcoin, which is why OneCoin is referred to as Bitcoin 2.0, and expected to skyrocket in value over the next few years.
The OneLife Network (OLN) is a growing global network that was born out of the OneCoin cryptocurrency brand. The Network has a digital platform with a unique ecosystem of sophisticated products and social networking tools that help members achieve financial independence. Members enjoy access to an array of e-learning programs that help them apply financial theory to practice. This allows them to understand, mine and trade cryptocurrency, and make secure, low-cost, cross-border transactions.

Our vision is to provide alternative payment solutions and equal access to financial education to people worldwide. The OneLife Network makes financial transactions and trade safer, easier, and available to everyone on the web. Our ecosystem of virtual tools and services holds the potential to open new economic markets for cross border trade and to stimulate economic growth.
OneCoin Digital Currency Breaks All Global Records
OneCoin: Fastest Growing Company
OneCoin is growing faster than any other company in world history. It is the only company to ever do over $1 billion in actual revenue its first year, and amazingly just 3 months later achieved $2 billion, $3 billion in just over 2 years, and $8 billion within 3 years. To put this into perspective, here are the fastest growing companies in history to reach $1 billion in revenue:
Road to $1 Billion
OneCoin: 1 year
Groupon: 3 years
Amazon: 4 years
Google: 5 years
Facebook: 6 years
Apple: 7 years
Microsoft: 9 years
OneCoin: Largest Market Capitalization
Since January 2015, with its powerful vision, strong leadership and a clear business strategy, OneCoin has developed a large loyal global customer base. Of 1,500+ global Digital Currencies, OneCoin is by far the largest Digital Currency by number of users (3.38 M), available coin (41 B) and market capitalization ($1046 B).
October 2018 OneCoin Projections
The October 2018 OneCoin projected price is $40 based on average monthly increase of 6% (now $25).
The October 2018 OneCoin projected users is 3.54 million based on average monthly increase of 22,000 new users (now 3.36 M).
The October 2018 OneCoin projected merchants is 76,000 based on average monthly increase of 2,100 new merchants (now 59.5 K).
The October 2018 OneCoin projected coins mined is 54 billion based on average monthly increase of 2.16 billion new coins mined (now 37 B).
The October 2018 OneCoin projected market cap is $2.14 trillion based on the formula of price times available mined coin (now $928 B).
Please note that OneCoin is private and goes public on the XCOINX COMING SOON exchange October 2018.
Leading up to OneCoin going public, the average monthly data is expected to change because it is expected that all splits will disappear and mining completed at this point, except for OneCoin company reserves required for coin stability.
In 2017, over 55,000 merchants joined the DealShaker Platform (DealShaker), and 120 Million OneCoin ($3 Billion) were spent for goods and services, in more than 100,000 transactions, averaging 300 transactions daily ($30,000).
In 2018 it is projected that over 250,000 merchants will join the DealShaker platform, and 600 Million OneCoin ($15 Billion) will be spent on the DealShaker Merchant Platform (DealShaker) for goods and services, in more than 500,000 transactions, averaging 1,500 transactions daily ($150,000).

Brief Packages Details including Approximate Coins 
Updated on the 15/04/2018
Starter Package.
Price = €140
Tokens = 800
Split 1. Only

Expected Difficulty rate at final Split Difficulty rate at final Split    230/250 
Coins = 6 Onecoin
Starter & Trader Package.

Price = €690
Tokens = 4800
Split 1 Only
Expected Difficulty rate at final Split. 230/250
Expected Coins 40 Approximately 40 onecoins.
Starter & Trader & Pro Trader.

 Price = €1790
Tokens = 12,800
 Split = 1 Only
Expected Difficulty rate at final Split. 230/250
Expected Coins =110 Approximately.
Starter & Tycoon Trader.
Price = €5640

Tokens = 48,800
Split = 3 Max
Expected Difficulty rate at final Split 280/300
Expected Coins = 1380/1400 Approximately.
Starter & Premium Trader.
Price. €13,890
Tokens. 120,800
Splits. 3 Max (Auto Mining)
Expected Difficulty rate at final Split. 280/300
 Expected Coins = 3400/3600.
Starter & Tycoon & Premium Trader.
Price = €19,390
 Tokens = 168,800
Splits = 3 Max (Auto Mining)
Expected Difficulty rate at final Split  280/300
Expected Coins. 4800/5000 Approximately.
Starter Plus Initial Launch Pack.
Price = €55,000
Tokens = 55,555
Total Splits = 6
 3Double Splits
Expected Coins = 75000/85000 Approximately.
The OneCoin is becoming very popular and nearly impossible to grab in massive quantity because we have only less then 6 months remaining.If you would like to buy any package then let me know and I may offer you the best strategies!

I have All codes/Packages available and I can provide you the codes any where in the world.Call or whats app +971565852385

One Coin In Public MArket

Onecoin is going to launch at 8th October 2018 . Our hatters are worry. What's going happen? Onecoin is going to be top "1" Crypto  Currency in the world. It will be only one competitor of Bitcoin in the Crypto Currency .
Onecoin is not dependent of  Bitcoin It's going to break world record in the history of Crypto Currency.Our investors don't be worry about that. The Company did already worked at Plans.
1)Hates always your strength
2)Every thing is scam before the success
3)Struggle always achieve the goal
4)Think always positive
5)Scare never lose the ambition
6)Revolution make the lucky
7)Trust make the passion
8)Competitor remove your errors
9)Learn from mistakes
10)Strength always guides